Friday, November 27, 2009

2010 Chevron GR8 Racing Coupe Wallpaper

2010 Chevron GR8 Racing Coupe Wallpaper

Chevron Antagonism Cars is ablution a new Cosworth engined sports coupe, the GR8, calm with a chase alternation for owners. A trackday adaptation will chase already the on-make chase alternation it is advised for – the GR8 Challenge Alternation – is beneath way. Organised by the British Automobile Antagonism Club (BARC), the aperture accident is planned for April 2010.

Cheshire-based Chevron describes the mid-engined GR8 as a supercar for the belt-tightening era. With a weight of about 600 kg and ability provided by a Cosworth 2.0L YD inline four butt chase agent developing 255 bhp at 8200 rpm, the GR8 will accept a ability to weight arrangement in balance of 400 bhp per tonne. That puts it durably in supercar territory.

States Chevron Antagonism Cars administrator Helen Bashford-Malkie:

“The GR8 is engineered to be some 60 percent lighter than a archetypal Italian exotic, enabling it to bear commensurable achievement with a abate engine. The aftereffect is a appropriately lower amount – £49,500 additional VAT.

“In a sense, we accept angry the abstraction of a supercar on its head. Unleash their achievement abeyant on the alley and aural actual few abnormal you could be on the amiss ancillary of the law. However, for antagonism or austere trackday use they crave modification – and are acutely big-ticket to adjustment should they ache damage.

“The GR8 is a antic car in the purest sense. Its animation contributes to the administration activity and admiration constant with actuality advised as an complete racer from the tyre acquaintance patches upwards. Although the GR8’s anatomy is appropriately able and robust, abounding application has been accustomed to ensuring about affluence of repair.

“Race alertness amount for aggressive in the eight-round GR8 Challenge Alternation should be actual essentially beneath than the account appropriate for advancement a aerial achievement alley car over an agnate antagonism mileage.

“We accept already had enquiries about architecture a alley acknowledged version. Although Low Volume Blazon Approval makes this achievable for one-offs, there would accordingly be a amount premium. Higher assembly volumes are not in our affairs – it would entail all-encompassing re-engineering. We are already alluring consign enquires for GR8 racers and trackday versions. These will booty antecedence over any accessible road-going development.

The architecture of the new car has a advised affection with the Chevron B8 antagonism coupe, over 70 of which were congenital afterward its addition in 1968. Priced £3,380 new, Chevron B8s now change easily for £300,000.

The B8 was aboriginal Chevron blazon to use a Cosworth engine. Internationally acknowledged in 1960s-70s era 2.0 litre chic sports and GT racing, abounding abide to be actively raced in championships for celebrated sports cars, one of today’s best blooming branches of motorsport.

The Cosworth YD that will ability the GR8 includes a PiRQ4 agent ascendancy assemblage accumulation technologies acquired from ECUs acclimated by winners of the FIA GT and World Rally Championship titles. The Cosworth electronics amalgamation is completed by a Pi Omega LCD console display, accouterment bright readouts for the disciplinarian and seamless affiliation with the agent ascendancy assemblage data. Taking a blade out of F1, a amount acid V8 GT alternation is actuality planned for the 2010 division by Chevron Antagonism Cars Limited in accord with the British Automobile Antagonism Club (BARC).

To be alleged the Chevron GR8 Challenge, the alternation aims to action owners and drivers a ambit of applied benefits, including admission to a affiliated additional car on chase days.

As the name suggests, the ambition is to accommodate the abutting antagonism and ball amount associated with the accepted but now asleep TVR Tuscan Challenge.

Work is basic on the architecture of a antagonism auto address the GR8 blazon number, acquired from the Chevron B8, a athletic of all-embracing archetypal and celebrated racing.

Plans are for a US-sourced V8, active in a almost apathetic accompaniment of tune that should acquiesce a abounding division of antagonism with basal absorption amid races. Ambition ability achievement will be acceptable to accord a ability to weight arrangement of 400-500 bhp per tonne.

States Helen Bashford-Malkie, Administrator of Cheshire based Chevron Antagonism Cars:

“Our ambition is to aftermath a race-ready car – complete with agent – at a branch aboideau amount of beneath £40,000 Price.

“The GR8 will alloy achievement that satisfies the antagonism appetite with bargain amount of ownership.

“Given the bread-and-butter outlook, this is a new way to go antagonism after ever alien and big-ticket machinery.

“Compared to abounding archetypal antagonism cars, the cardinal of B8s still antagonism is disproportionately high, because they larboard the old Chevron works in Bolton forty or added years ago.

Although never a architect of alley cars, Chevron was amid Britain’s best abounding antagonism car constructors. During the dozen or so years afterward its foundation in 1965, Chevron produced added than 500 two-seat accessible sports racers, single-seat blueprint cars and antagonism coupes.

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