Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Dyno Party

We had to put off this blog for the Dyno Party, which happened April 12, because nobody had been in charge of getting pictures. Then somebody brought us one, so Ian took a picture of it on the wall with his cell phone.

Bunch o' hooligans.

Here's the whole pic--one might say the panoramic view. This is so you can see the guy in the red hat. What he's doing is anyone's guess.

The party was a blast--literally. Everybody had to stand at the opposite end of the shop from the Dyno, presumably for safety reasons but really, probably, because it was so freakin' loud.

Fortunately, the keg was right there where everyone was standing.

I met a bunch of great folks: a chick with brilliant blue eyes, a tall, skinny guy who told me about Buckaroo's in Fremont, and a kid who rode around in South America. That last guy might also be the one who has a Suzuki DRZ 400, which I think I want. If any of you care to shoot me a line and remind me of your names, I'd love to stay in touch. But I digress.

With all the beer and barbecue and Dyno runs sold, we raised about $500 for racing projects and Dyno'ed some kick-ass bikes. Yeah!!!

The next event we've got planned: a "cafe sprint" around town in July on whatever you've got that runs (because we realize that some cafe bikes out there don't run--not naming any names). We'll fill you in on that as we get closer.

Oh--and some more pics have trickled in, because someone had the wherewithal. Methinks we have a new offical photographer in the man Chris . . . ?

Gotta wear shades.

Wild Rucki, in from the plains. The NRA (Northwest Ruckus Alliance) came out in full force.

Brandon, the barbecuer and money-taker. Note the fabricated sheet-metal spatula, created to fill the void of nobody bringing a spatula.

More hot steeds.

Guys, doing that thing. This wild lawnmower of a machine (owner: Paul) almost got its rear wheel up to 1 horsepower.

Wow, what a great Dyno.

Ian, what the heck are you doing? This guy wants to ride some more.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who came to our first Dyno Party! Cya at the next one, next year.

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