Monday, June 11, 2007

The story ....

So I've been busy getting my shop up to speed for the last year and a half and we are now  producing  motorcycles that are of a quality that I am proud of. Last week we fired up an XS 650 that has been a learning process or the last 6 months one of the best things I have ever been apart of.  This bike is beautiful and raw. Loud and brutal. The work we are doing needs to be shared with my clients and the world. I will be using this blog as a way to keep my clients (present and future) connected to the progress  of their projects and also to keep them involved even if they are across the country. I want to document the story of each of our bikes as none are exactly a like and I do not think we could do it if we tried. Our projects take 3-6 months depending on the complexity and parts availability that comes with working on 30-40 year old bikes.  We have found that 99 out of 100 old bikes are in shabby to dangerous shape, we take these bikes down to the frame and crank bearings and build them to our clients desires.  I love what I do and am very thankful that I have an opportunity to persue my passion. I will be up dating this blog as often as I can. I will post daily until i need to do it more often.

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